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2004-01-28 - 11:43 a.m.

I must be insane to start this online diary. As it is, I work 7 days a week at my home business and have a 4 year old son, Bruno "the beast", under foot. Okay, usually he's on another computer trying to hack Linux, but that's another story.

I guess I should introduce myself, in case anyone actually reads this.

I own what's undoubtedly the smallest publishing company on earth, Juicy Britches Publications. I used to publish an erotica zine but now I write and publish cookbooks. Believe it or not, cookbooks are where the money is.

I live in Stagecoach, Nevada.

Yes, it's the middle of nowhere.

No, I don't miss the big city.

And yes, there are legal brothels in my back yard.

I'm married - very happily for 7 years.

If he gets the 7 year itch I will shoot him. Yes, I have a gun - three actually. Which is probably why my husband, Jerry, is such a NICE GUY.

Bored yet?

Jerry's a ceramist, he makes ceramic stuff. What kind of stuff? You name it,

he's made it. Animals, dishes, vases, statuary, chess sets, broncos, tile, naked women, guns that look like penises.

No, I'm not kidding.

We have animals too. Besides the beast.

Two horses, two dogs and five cats.

And mice. My cats are hopeless. I had a mouse walk across my kitchen floor and Stoney, our fat cat, just watched it.

Okay, enough intro. If you're at all curious why I started this diary, it's because this is the first day I've taken off since Christmas. And I only too half the day off then. (Gawd, I must be an workaholic.) And I stumbled onto...what's this site called again? Dairyland? Ah, Diaryland. And being a writer, I just thought, "What the hell. I'll write when I have time off, too."

And yes, I make typos and grammatical errors. Everybody does. I'm not perfect, you know. And neither are you.

I'm into a lot of stuff besides work.

Here's a brief list with my favorites

in parentheses:

fitness (bodybuilding)

music (classic rock)

books (cookbooks, duh)

horses (Peruvian Paso)

shopping (for books)

clothes (red lace negligee and cowboy boots)

sex (ha, ha, ha, I ain't telling)

food (homemade pizza)

DVD's (Concert For George)

movies (Anything with Sean Connery)

TV (That 70's Show, Red Is Sexy, Yes I'm Old, 44.)

There's a story behind how I first became aware of the actor that plays Red, Kurtwood Smith. Kris Kristofferson is responsible for the whole thing.

But I don't wanna bore you...

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